Daily Rituals

Posted by Janine Martinez on

Simple rituals to create happiness and flow.

Establishing routines, predictable patterns in our life is essential to give structure to our day. Early morning exercise, that first cup of coffee, lighting a candle at your kitchen alter, preparing your evening meal, small things that signal the chapters of the day, give yourself time to honour the moment.
Creating these patterns helps to ground and calm us, maintain focus and give purpose to our life.

A ritual should make you feel happy, for me it clears space for creating and to get work done.
Household rituals are the simplest and can be the most important for our well-being: keeping it tidy and eating properly.
Incorporate tidiness into your ritual plan. Keep your bed made, kitchen clean, living room uncluttered, once you start you realise it doesn’t take that long, and the results are always so pleasing!
Have a weekly menu planned, create fresh homemade food, learn that cooking is a special type of ritual, take time in the preparation, the choosing of the vegetables and fruit….that your body is your temple, good food equals good health.

Rituals provide a time to renew and replenish, a timeout for your soul.
Get to that dance class, yoga or Pilates practice, paint, draw, write!
Set your intention and follow through. Exercise and creativity are so grounding and healing, don’t let busyness control all areas of your life.

Be aware of the changing seasons, how nature blossoms and fades, and how these cycles and seasons reflect on an individual level.
Take a walk in nature, a garden, a park every day. Breathe in the green plant magic around you. Refresh yourself with the clean air our green friends provide, find strength from the trees, joy in the scent of flowers.
Below is a beautiful ritual you may find helpful in connecting to nature.

“We need rituals because they help guide us and give our lives a rhythm we can dance to.” Dr Deepika Chopra.

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